Monday, May 26, 2008

Some Memorial Day Memories...

I remembered to bring the camera to camp this past weekend (Memorial Day Weekend) so Cody could download all the new, fun pictures, but I forgot the battery. SMART. Of course, the camera was dead. I will bring it when I go back on Thursday.

In the meantime, Frankie, when you read this blog later, I'd like you to know of a few other "gems," from this past weekend--all involving you:

1. You used to hate fruit but now that's all you will eat. Everything else, as far as you're concerned, should be banished to the floor.

2. You know we don't like it when you throw food on the floor, because you blink real fast about 50 times in a row when we tell you "NO," but yet, you do it anyway...and not only that, but you do it while looking at us with this odd look on your face that says: "I know this is wrong, but really, what are YOU gonna do about it?"

3. You tricked me. You gave me two full nights of sleeping all the way through when we were at home, but made up for it when we got to camp. (Thankfully, two of the nights were on Daddy's watch). The last night when it was time for bed, you were a mess. You were screaming and crying (why, I have NO idea) and you couldn't be consoled. I think you had a night terror, I'm not sure. You were scary. It wasn't fun. You got me out of bed 4 times. I don't get it. You had a great day: You played, you stuffed your face, you went on a shopping trip to Traverse City with me and Fancy Nancy, everyone at camp made a big fuss over you, you took a nice stroll around camp in your sweet baby jogger--you had a stellar day, sister. What is the dealio?

3-1/2. Frankie's response to #3: "I'll get you out of bed 14 times if I want and you know you'll come when I call. Learn that and live that, Mamacita!" ...and of course...she is right.

4. You have recently decided that it's really fun to squirm around A LOT when you're getting your diaper changed. Stop it. It's annoying. You made me get some poop on me. Mommy is not into that.

5. Stop trying to fake us out when we're practicing with water in the sippy cup. We know when you're faking. Get this now, Frankie J: In order to get the very special "Coden Song and Dance" from Mommy and Daddy, we need to see a few REAL BUBBLES when you're trying to drink from the sippy cup. Contrary to what you may think--putting the cup in your mouth, taking it out, throwing your hand in the air while giving us a big smile will NO LONGER get you the "Coden Song and Dance." We fell for that one too many times. We're on to you.

You feel me?