We put FJ in a stroller for the first time yesterday. Not fun. I have decided that no matter what it is, the first time Frankie tries it, she doesn't like it. (She's a little glass half empty that way). She had her wail-on for quite some time when we were riding her around. Cody and I just don't get it. We are completely baffled. Anyone want to weigh in? I mean, who doesn't want to be driven around town, maxin' and relaxin? We could not figure out what was wrong. What could make her cry so much? Admittedly, the stroller was borrowed from one of the stores around the hotel. Was it too low budget for Princess Frankie? Is she just too used to being carried around in the ergo by me and Daddy Warbucks? Did she want to push and let me sit in it? I seriously have no idea how this little girl became so high maintenance in a little over a week...I just don't know...
Anyway, we worked through it and she eventually started smiling again. As we were walking around the park, I noticed that there were lots of groups of people, kids and adults, playing hackeysack. The next thing I know--my husband gets in on one. He rocked it out! He played for awhile so of course I made him buy the hackey. Come on, you can't take up 15 minutes of the guy's time and then give him the "Ok, thank you!" without buying what he's selling. That is just mean.
I also took the liberty of taking a few public bathroom pictures. One of them is posted above. Doesn't it just make you want to redecorate all of your bathrooms at home?
That's really about it for our day yesterday. I got to do the rest of my shopping (in case you were wondering) because there will be no time today, Cody came with me for some and hung out with FJ in the room for some, and we had a nice, outdoor dinner at Lucy's Restaurant with the Norris' and the Simpsons'. (Banana splits and dancing included).
Today is our last full day here, we're homeward bound soon! We're excited to get home and start another new phase with Frankie, we're excited to see Floyd and all of you, and we're excited that Terrell Pryor is going to be playing for the Buckeyes instead of UofM(well, I am).
We love and miss everyone. We should have some good Consulate and Red Couch pictures tomorrow. Hang in with us for one day...