Monday, March 24, 2008

Fussy Frankie FuLan

Yeah, she may look cute in that picture but it was "Fussy Frankie Day" today in the Guange. I'm going to estimate that she had about 30 meltdowns total today and I plucked about 12 grey hairs tonight (NOT COOL).

After another "stuff-your-face-while-taking-turns-holding-Frankie-big-buffet- breakfast," all three families ventured out to the Jade Market area. Prices are high and the vendors didn't really want to bargain. My "allowance" was burning a hole in my wallet and I really wanted to get FJ something for when she is older. I found nothing that I loved (so frustrating). We finally decided on buying a jade stone and having something made at a later date for Frankie at home. Brilliant! Custom... I do loooooove custom. :)

The meltdowns started this morning and continued sporadically throughout the day. Why, you ask? WE HAVE NO FREAKIN' IDEA. Kid has eaten, butt has been wiped, she's definitely not sick, diapers are changed every minute... 
Is she becoming high maintenance? Yes. 
It is from hanging with me too much? Probably.  
Do we feel bad for Cody? Definitely.

We had a brief reprieve from the "Eye Yie Yies" and wailing while walking around the Jade Market (probably because she knew I was looking for her) until we got to the restaurant for lunch. I was in the bathroom squatting away China style (still can't get used to that) and when I came out, there was FJ, wailing away on Daddy. We calmed her down enough to stuff our faces with more dim sum (insert weight gain here) and after lunch Cathy and I took off for a little unsupervised shopping. (The guys gave us 45 minutes and we used up every minute of it). I found some really cute stuff for FJ and I was very excited to get back to her, but when I got there--it was wail session number I-don't-know-what. 

Cody was DONE (and you guys know what he's like when he's done--eye yie yie!). It was definitely time to go back to the hotel. We finally got a cab and of course she was wailing like we were beating her for the whole ride back. I seriously thought the cab driver was going to throw us out of his cab. (We tipped very generously, and you know I made sure it didn't come out of my budget). 

We lived through a couple more inexplicable and inconsolable meltdowns back in the room until finally I threw down the "Listen, we haven't signed all the papers yet, Sister Sledge...quit pushing us..." and that seemed to quiet her down for the moment. Unfortunately, I can really only use that line until our Consulate Appt on Wed. After that, the Codens will be sucking it up.

It was still beautiful out tonight so we walked over to an outdoor restaurant about 5 minutes from the hotel for dinner.  John, Wendy and Catherine the Beautiful showed up and hung out with us, we suffered through another Cranky Frankie meltdown or five and that was that. Cody carried her back to the room and I followed them until I found myself in one of the shops on the way back to the hotel (seriously, how does that happen??)

Back in the room it was bath, bottle, taps and bedtime. I still haven't mastered the towel off after the bath. How do you do it? Do you lie her on the bed? Do you prop her up? Do you put the towel down and just roll her like a canolli? What's the deal? I keep thinking she's going to pee on me if I don't do it fast and get a diaper on her. I gotta tell you, I've been peed on by the Frankster and I'm not so into it. 

Ok, hope you all have a good Monday. It's bedtime here and Cody is out cold on the couch. I don't want to bug him. Can one of you come here and wake him up? 


erin said...

Frankie Jade what is up sista! Just when the going is good watch out! Jury is out still huh? News Flash kwame is goin down- Miss you all

Anonymous said...

Two steps forward, 4 steps back. That's how she'll roll for a while. Hang in there. Does the bath chill her out? Lay the towel out and put her down in it, then scoop her young ass up. If all else fails and she won't stop melting, walk away, put your ipod on loud and try to drown it out. No kid has ever biten the dust from crying too much. You'll get immune to her wails sooner than later. Also, for momentary relief; blow in her face. That'll buy you some time. Keep on keepin on Codens. When you're back home, the cavalry will be here to help.

miss you.

Anonymous said...

They call it colic. I think thats the generic term for all unexplained behaviors! Welcome to the land of the bewildered...There is no explanation. Ya try and figure it out, maybe the sun is just not quite at the right angle, or maybe she has gas (love that one), perhaps if you cradle, caress, and rock at just the right speed it will buy you 5 minutes. If only they could tell you, it would be so much easier. Maybe if I stay humble, she won't rock my world the next round. Thats my karmic belief. Don't get to high cause they drag you down low to the dark side just when you think you got it licked. Big picture guys, big picture. Just think that in no time we'll progress from diapers, bathing, eating, and sleep patterns to allergies, friendships,driving, dating, sex, drugs, and college funding!!! Can't wait!! Miss you. Lots of love. CO & Co.

Anonymous said...

Loving your blog - Frankie Jade is so cute (even knowing she's giving her parents a little grief. Ok - a lot of grief. Can't wait to see her in person.

You'll all be home soon.



Anonymous said...

You would never know she was cranky with a smile like she has in those pictures. I wish I could tell you that they stop crying as they get older...they just cry about different things(and we don't listen as much). But really, if she starts to pee just wrap her in the towel and start again. I can't wait to start hearing stories from this side of the world. Miss and love all 3 of you!
J, R, A & P

Anonymous said...

i hate Monday's too. can relate Frankie! okay, seriously, w/ two colic babies, go down the list, and then if it doesn't work, have that smoke... List: teeth coming in?-feel her gums-- Motrin if so. Allergies.. to anything (food, weather, etc), and yes they can change month to month-- change diet though might check w/ dr. Blog says 300 characters, so I have to stop. (yea, I am getting to know blog- he is too controlling). check back w/ you later, xo T. P.s. got a ?picture of that sassy dress

Anonymous said...

She is the cutest, sweetest and most adorable baby ever.........with 1 exception!

xo KF

Shannon said...

She is so for the towel deal. I wrap Em up like an enchilada. (two side folds and a bottom fold up) Then I carry her around calling her Burito Taquito. No idea where that came from, but it makes us laugh.

Hopefully you will have less meltdowns in the next few days. Congrats again!

Anonymous said...

No matter how she acts she is very,very cute. Some days are like that. She doesn't have to have a reason.Female hormones. Mark looking at you holding her makes me smile so much. The look on you face says it all. Rob. you are doing a great job and I don't blame you for wanting to shop. Great idea to by her a piece of Jade and have it made into something later. I can't wait to kiss and hug the 3 of you . See you Friday only 4 more days.
Love & Kisses

Anonymous said...

Frankie Baby give your parents a break! Seriously girlfriend, as cute as you are, you gotta have a happy day today. ;O
xoxo LG

Anonymous said...

Hi Coden Clan
Warm greetings from
the Haddad Clan in cold Charlevoix Mich. Yep, it's snowing here.
The kids love the pictures of Frankie and the proud but puzzled mommy and daddy. We are enjoying the blog so much and can't wait to have you over for a playdate with three almost six-year olds.
Love and kisses
Kylee, Nick, and Lucas

Kacz said...

"Cody was DONE (and you guys know what he's like when he's done--eye yie yie!)", what's that like?
