Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Frankie slept the WHOLE night last night!

She didn't wake up once--not even when I went in there at 2:00 A.M. and 4:00 A.M. to make sure she was still breathing.

How about this one though? Once, when I went in, I touched her leg to see if she was OK (I'm such a newbie) and she kind of kicked me away like I was bugging her. Oh--I'm so sorry, Ms. Frankie. So sorry to bother YOU while YOU'RE sleeping.

Fingers crossed that we have another good night tonight.
You know we won't.
You know she'll get up 4 times in order to make up for last night.
She is so like that. I don't know where she gets it.


Anonymous said...

I think I hear the angels singing!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!! Now if she sleeps through the night again, you need to sleep through the night too...or Cody is going to have to make you cry it out. LOL ((hugs))

Rachel said...

Congratulations on the sleep throught the night! I hope it continues.

I'm glad things are going well with FJ - I enjoy reading about your experiences! Lily is doing well, too. We are loving having a daughter!


Shawnstribe said...

sleep baby sleep and let your Mommy chill see ; )
love from your UK Aunty : )