Saturday, May 17, 2008

Of the four food groups, where does chalk go?

Frankie and I had TWO knock-down-drag-out fights yesterday.
She won both.

The doctor was stressing me out the other day about brushing her teeth. I know I'm supposed to brush them after she has milk. I know they will get nasty if I don't. I know I'm a sucky mom because I need a break from making her do new things so I have been letting it go...I know, I know...but OK, you know what? YOU BRUSH THEM.

Since this kid has been adopted, I feel like we've had to get her used to so many foreign things and she's finally at a point where's she's over most everything: We're good on the car seat issue, the high chair issue, the stroller issue, the bottle issue, the formula issue, the bath issue, the clothes changing issue, the grocery cart issue, and almost all other issues she has had to contend with since being adopted...and you know what? You may find this hard to believe, but I really haven't stressed out too much about anything--except the bottle thing in the very beginning. Other than that, I figure everything will happen when it happens, but the teeth brushing thing...well that just isn't going to happen. That is something I have to make happen, and as far as Ms. Frankie J is concerned--it ain't happening.

I don't really know why she hates it so much, but she really hates it. The crying is scary, and annoying because, Hello??? I'm just trying to brush her teeth. OOOOOOOOH. Child abuse.

Fight #2: Water.
The doc also told me the other day that she's supposed to be getting 4 oz a day. To that FJ says: "WHATEVER with your 4 oz a day, Dr. Blah Blah--water sucks." She's not into water. What can I tell you? I figure she'll grow more accustomed to it as time goes on, but in the meantime, she will not be placing many orders for it.
I have tried various temperatures
I've tried all different kinds of sippy cups and bottles
I've let her drink from my water bottle and glass
Yes, to everything...
She'll do a little bit of everything, but there is no way she's getting through 4 oz a day. My next move is to put her in front of Floyd's water bowl to see how that works out.

So, what about the chalk episode?
I put Frankie in the car for a quick trip to Barnes and Noble. I noticed nothing unusual as I strapped her in... until I did something that made her smile. As her lips started to part, this crazy fushia colored drool started coming out of both sides of her mouth. It was kind of scary (though strangely pretty at the same time--I wish my drool was fushia!) Anyway, I started to freak out, threw out a big "What the HELL-lo??" pried open her mouth (insert crying here) and pulled out little pieces of what appeared to be... you guessed it: chalk.
Kids are freakin' gross.
I mean, who eats chalk? It's not even good.
But, other than a very cute outfit ruined--no real harm done.
At least none that I can see so far. :)


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh yes, the tooth brushing. Fun times too at the Norris household. John has to hold her down while I insert the toothbrush. She cries a bit but then she's over it.

The water thing CTB was totally not into either. So, I bought juice and did a half and half mixture warmed up. She took that two to three times a day. Over the last three weeks we have lessened the juice and added more water and then now we are even down to lukewarm tap water. She is doing much better with the water intake now. A TOTAL fight over here.

The chalk thing totally cracks me up! I bet that surprised the heck out of you!!! We went to B&N today for the first time. She last about 15 minutes........sigh

Anonymous said...

If Frankie is still on formula, ask your pediatrician if the water used to mix that counts towards the four ounce quota.

And if Wendy's juice suggestion doesn't work, and Frankie still doesn't drink water, ask your pediatrician if they want her drinking the water for the hydrative properties, or the fluoride. If it's the fluoride, they can prescribe a vitimin drop that has it.

I think chalk is a starch. I count starches as vegetables. But, I'm not a nutritionist. :-)

Karin said...

robyn, you crack me up.
Well, atleast FJ picked a good color when going for the chalk.
I don't have kids in the house yet, but until I could drink water by iteself (that would be two years ago at the age of 29!!!) I mixed it with my juice. That way, I was getting aleast a little water in my diet.

Anonymous said...

Uncle Jon here - Emma was a big fan of the chalk. I finally had enough of her even attempting to put it into her mouth. I held her firm (hug style) and repeated these words about 5 million times in a 15 min period..."no chalk in mouth". She cried and tried to pull away, but i kept saying "no chalk in mouth". Now guess what Emma says to me when we draw, "Daddy, no chalk in mouth". Brain-washing really does work!