Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Vaccination Day

Frankie had her vaccinations today. The China paperwork we received claimed she had them all, but we had heard that sometimes they "water down" the vaccinations to make sure they have enough for all the kids in the orphanage, soooooooooo we had a "Titers" blood test drawn 6 weeks ago to make sure. It turned out her tank was on empty when it came to the Chicken Pox vaccination and the Prevnar vaccination.

Side Note: Since when is there a Chicken Pox vaccination? I thought it was a rite of passage for kids to get the Chicken Pox! Chicken soup and calamine lotion, missing school and watching daytime TV, itching and scratching --hello???? No more of that?

Anyway, Frankie J (who is now up to 20lbs) was a champ. She really was. I, however, was thinking that it might be a good idea to leave hot pokers in the waiting room so the parents could put them in their eyes during the process. That might hurt less than watching your girl do the "scream-cry" while being held down against her will.

I do believe that my friends who said it would "hurt you more than it will Frankie" were right though. I was crying right along with Frankie, but I think she stopped first. How about this though? My mom was crying too! (She came with me since Cody is at camp). She said it brought back memories of me getting my shots all those years ago.

I guess it just never ends... Great. SU-PER.


Anonymous said...

Poor poor Frankie!!! I hope she is feeling better. Shots suck!

Unknown said...

i love watching daytime tv when you're sick. although it's really kind of a tease when you have the chicken pox cause you get so distracted by the itching. so, frankie will just have to settle with contending an upset stomach or runny nose during the soaps

FinsUp said...

I'm so glad you started posting again. I was getting the shakes without a Frankie fix!

Shawnstribe said...

ok i get it...the camp thing i mean ; ) sounds awesome, have you got a camp website? would love to check it out.
Now JW im still waiting for comments on my blog....please ; ) gotta turn your photos round on your computer before you post them ; ) must be mad....Aila Mei pulls everything off the hangers, before i even get a chance to look at them!!!
anyways....cant wait for your next posting, they are awesome
speak soon
Shawn and Aila Mei

Norine said...

Just your description of baby getting her shot put tears in my eyes as well for our 'good ole days' when the kids were babies and looked to us me for protection and strength. Wonderful times in my life, Norine