Sunday, June 22, 2008

Does one size really fit all...?

Michael Stars would have you believe that it does, but I can't say that I agree.

I started this blog before we left to get Frankie Jade because I thought it would be a good way to stay connected with our friends and family while we were in China. I stayed with it because, for Mother's Day, Cody had all the blogs made into a beautiful hardcover book that Frankie will have forever and I thought it would be cool for her to watch FuLan turn into Frankie along with the rest of us. Plus, she will have something to remember her Mom by one day when I'm gone. For me and my family, it has become a preservation piece that serves many different purposes.

I certainly don't expect the blog to serve the same purpose for everyone.
If you're into it, I love that, and I'm totally and completely happy to have you as a reader and friend.

This blog, however, is not for everyone. I never expected it to be. I didn't start writing it for that purpose. I'm not writing it for anyone but my kid. Hey, we all have good days and bad days; the blog has been a good outlet for me to reflect on both. I have come to realize that my tone reflects my personality and if you don't like me, (or know me) you might not be into it. I'm fine with that. One size does not fit all.

I don't expect to get comments on the blog, though they are certainly welcome and appreciated IF they are not fueled by negativity or bad energy. There was a comment made on the last post that prompted other readers to email me a common denominator question that I, quite frankly, was curious about as well:

Your comment was so completely bizarro that even I was a bit taken aback. Clearly, you are not someone who knows me at all, or you wouldn't have said some of the things you said:

1. "Get some perspective, honey... Suck it up and be a mommy...a grateful mommy." Oh no you di-in't! You did NOT just say that to me! How in the world does a "venting" post that I am completely entitled to make me an ungrateful mommy? That is the craziest thing I have ever heard. WHO ARE YOU??? You don't know anything about me, my family or the lifestyle that we lead having Daddy gone for several months out of the year. I'm certainly not saying I have it harder than any other Mom out there--I'm not stupid, I know that is not true, but last time I checked, this is my blog and I'll cry if I want to. (And I wasn't even crying, most of it was said in jest.)

2. You understand that I am lonely? Hardly. I have Frankie, Floyd and tons of friends and family around who rock the house, but that doesn't mean that the adoption, the adjustment, the constant back and forth travel and the lifestyle haven't been hard on my marriage.

3. Louis Vuitton Bag? Um...No. Not my style (except for the sassy, red one that Cody got me several years ago when he told me he loved me for the first time).

I don't proclaim to be a professional writer or parent. I'm navigating new territory and making my way as best I can along with every other new parent out there. I think I'm pretty safe in saying that what we're all looking for is some support and understanding during this time.

If you feel like making a comment on the blog, I love to get them and Frankie will love them too one day, but please keep in mind why I'm writing this and who I'm doing it for. Anonymous comments telling me to "suck it up" really just don't jive with the rest of the blog setting and tone.

Frankie would definitely not give out one of her famous "High 5's" for that one.


Anonymous said...

You said it sister! Whoever anonymous was probably doesn't have kids. Those of us that do understand exactly where you are coming from. All moms have wondered to ourselves(or out loud)"why did I have kids?" Hand in there. Can't say it gets easier, but every day brings a new adventure.


Brandi said...

I absolutely LOVE reading your blog. Your writing style cracks me up...and you keep it real!

Parenting is not always easy...nor is it always fun. But, like you, there is never a time when I take my kiddos for granted or am ungrateful for the wonderful gift I've been given.

You keep right on writin'...I love it!

Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I love this blog. In fact my favorite thing about it is the real time honesty of it all. My twins were adopted nearly 6 years ago (domestically) and I think I became a "real" mommy (whatever that means) the first time the three of us spent the entire day crying and I figured it would be more fun to poke myself in the eye with a stick than be their mom. Luckily for us all, that feeling passed quickly enough. But it has returned at times throughout the past six years. There's really no greater feeling in the world that realizing that you would still lay your life on the line for a child who has just turned your brand new wide-screen television set into their own personal piece of Sharpie-Pen art... :)
I am fond of saying that parenthood may or may not be hard, but it is ALWAYS relentless!
Tracy Rasmussen

The Adventures of Jing and Ying said...

I too love reading your blog! Don't change just because there's a COWARDLY anon (don't you just love how this individual doesn't have the guts to post her name?!) who feels the need to upset you.

Your blog is humorous, down-to-earth, REAL LIFE! I'm a mom to two daughters from China and it's neat to read how other new moms are winging it too.

FWIW, I had a creepy anon make a nasty comment on my blog. Honestly, it still pisses me off and that was almost 9 months ago. If people don't like someone's blog, they should stop reading it! It's that simple!

Keep on doing what you're doing!


Anonymous said... feathers are ruffled. Come on, Anonymous, fess up. Who are you?
Robyn, my wonderful and capapble just keep writing and doing exactly what you're doing. Anaonymous can't know you or your sense of humor, and how much you are loving being a mommy to Franke. You and Cody are two of the best parents I've ever seen.
You are doing everything right...and I mean everything, and Frankie Jade is the cutest, happiest baby in the "whole entire universe"....for sure. Of course, I can say that. I'm her Nana.

Karin said...

ah, your mom is backing you up! yeah! My mom would be the same way if someone said something mean about me. I am sorry that you had to be personally attached like that.
I started reading your post along with firegirls when you left for China and it was cool to catch two different sides. Your stories made me feel like I was there... and made me even more anxious for the next 3+ years to hurry up already! Just the picture of the squaty potty shows how care free and fun you are! I always wanted to know what they looked like~ now I can never forget! :)

Karin said...

um, personally ATTACKED. I'll proof read next time.

Anonymous said...

i love your blog. i check it daily to see if you have updates. your humor cracks me up and your writing style is da bomb. the longer your entry, the more i lap it up. i love your honesty and how you come across as such a fun and loving mom. Frankie is sooo cute and you are both so lucky to have each other.

adoptive mom of three

Unknown said...

you know we're all out here backing you up. i was gonna say something, but then i read all the other people who beat me too it, and i was like, well said. no need to add more. til i read the last post, by adoptive mom of 3.
as someone who clearly remembers the angst of having to check to see if there is a new update of your favorite blog, the feeling of disappointment when there isn't, and since i don't have kids yet (thank god) i still have time to keep up with my technology, i thought you (adoptive mom) and everyone else still going through that, they have a new thing called RSS. it tells you when there is an update to your blogs, so you don't have to regularly check them. you just click the link when there is a number 1 (for one new post) next to it.
for more details on how to use, google it, or click the RSS button in the URL bar and bookmark that page, or email me. i'm out of room on this post. sorry frankie and the codens (future band name). had to deal with that social conundrum

Anonymous said...

Just to reassure - not all of us anonymouses who read your blog are nuts. I get your humor. I enjoy your postings. Your kid is super-cute. Thanks for letting us follow along.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog, your great sense of humor has made my life easier as a mother several times. The best medicin for hard days is a good laugh and you have given me plenty of them.

Best regards

Adoptive mother to a girl from China since March 2008 (the same referral batch as Frankie)

Anonymous said...

I'm a waiting mom (LID 3/6/06) and I love your blog. It reminds me that there is a light at the end of this long tunnel. It's evident in your blog how much you love your family. Thanks for sharing with us :)

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Rob. You know you have the love, support and understanding from all of us who love you! Keep up your good work...


FinsUp said...

Eek! Who does that? Must be someone who's own life is really in order to make anonymous judgements on someone else. Wish I was that together.

Fin and I enjoy reading posts from you and from Frankie. Don't stop!

FinsUp (aka Leslie)

Rachel said...

Just chiming in - this is my first time posting a comment to you, but I love your blog! I think you are hilarious and love your writing style. Anyone can tell (okay, I guess not everyone) that you love being a mommy and adore your daughter. Keep writing, it's very entertaining to this fellow mommy!

Gigi said...

The one thing that your "anonymous" commenter said that I agree with is that, indeed, Frankie Jade IS a gift. How lucky you are to have her, as you well know. Parenting is a hard job with many rewards, but oh, so worth it. Congratulations from a first-time commenter, mom of 3 and grandmother of 2. Give that sweetie a kiss from all her well-wishers!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob,
Loved this blog - makes me think two fold -

1 - the person doesn't know you - hit it by accident and is a moron -
2. - the person DOES know you and took an 'anonymous' shot at saying cruel things - that no "FRIEND" ever would - LOSER....

I agree with Shari - they must not have kids - which...I think JUST might be a good thing! I love the blog - I hear, read and 'feel ya' when you write - you do it JUST like you talk and it makes me laugh all the time -

Love you - See you soon! Kiss F.J. for me!

Rachel said...

Like all other posters, anonymous is one bitter person who doesn't get your humor. Oh yes - that person is also a coward. Anyone who posts a comment like that should at least do it with a name!!!

Question - where/how did Cody get your blog made into a book? We totally talk about doing that, but were wondering if there was a company that does it.


Judi said...

Anonymous, thy name is Kiljoy. There's always one, isn't there? LOVE your blog. You owe no one an explanation. This person apparently believes they set the standards by which all others live because the universe revolves around them. Off with their head.

Elissa said...

I am just now catching up on your blog and saw this. WTF??? It reminds me of the flame I got in the 12-2005 LID room when I vented after missing the cut-off by one day. She said I was going to pass on my "obvious hate for China" to my child and shame her. Um, yeah. But at least I knew who she was so I could zing her back personally. Hopefully your stinky anon commenter wasn't too busy being a hater on someone else's blog to come back to read your zing to her (which was perfect btw).