Monday, June 16, 2008

My job description needs to be revised:

Frankie took a dump in the bathtub last night.

I mean, (sigh) come on. That is just wrong.
Who does that?

Here's the kicker--she did it again tonight.

Oh, COME ON, Frankie. The bathtub ain't your personal outhouse. can't save that stuff for when we're at camp and Daddy can handle it? Better's a thought...oh, I don't about maybe slinging that mud so it lands in your dipe? Remember those days? Good times.

Let's (YOU) really think about revisiting the old crap-in-the-diaper days, because your current method of disposal really isn't thrilling me. OK?

You're cute and all but you're really pushing it, sister.


Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. This was so not in any of the adoption education classes we took nor did any of my friends share this tidbit of info when discussing the joys of child rearing. There should be a chapter titled "Icky things to expect from your child".


Karin said...

I am sorry you had to deal with that...
and, yeah. Thanks for the visual of the floating log!
good luck with tomorrows bath.

Kris said...

Oh yeah. Megan has given me those memories too...only ours were not was more like smashed.

If there's ANY good news I can share in our experience, it's that she did it twice in one week, then hasn't for the last several weeks. It's bound to happen again, though. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Anonymous said...

there is nothing that prepares you for that! the worst is not that its happening, but the frantic moments you have trying to get the wicked slippery soapy kid out of there own FECES... fortunately our kids don't do that anymore... Brandie does which is nasty...