Monday, October 20, 2008


Hi Frankie,
It's your parents.
We love you very much, but we blew it.

We are sorry that we didn't know until this morning that you had an ear infection, but you never tugged on your ear or gave us any indication so we didn't even consider it as an option. We're sorry that you spent the weekend in so much pain. We're sorry that we had to give away our Detroit vs NY hockey tickets but it's not like Shanahan is playing for either the Wings or the Rangers right now, so WHATEVER. We're sorry that we were a little relieved when Dr. Molly told us that you had an ear infection because now at least we actually know what is wrong with you. We're sorry that we drugged you up over the weekend, but I have feeling that it probably helped a bit. We're sorry that we're very excited for all of us to hopefully get some sleep tonight even though it was very nice hanging out with you every 2 hours while you were crying and miserable. (That one is kind of a lie, it wasn't really that great hanging out with you when you were like that at 12:30, 3:30 and 6:20 in the morning).

We are sorry that we blew it, Frankie, but it's probably best for you to know this now:
It ain't gonna be the last time.

Love and all the other good stuff that antibiotics bring,
Your parents


Brandi said...

OUCH! Ear infections can be so painful & annoying (for both parents & children)

My youngest was notorious for not showing any signs of ear infections. She had (& still has)a high tolerance for pain. I remember taking her to the Dr. for a general check-up and her telling me she has one of the worst ear infections she's ever seen. Other than being slightly warm (not warm enough to warrant checking her temp, just thought she was playing hard) she really showed no signs of pain (or none that we caught on to, anyway). We learned to be very observant of ANYTHING out of the ordinary with her.

Sorry for the long post. My point is...sometimes they're hard to spot. Don't feel too you said, it's bound to happen again. Just because we're parents, doesn't make us perfect! Parenting is a work-in-progress!

(OK...I'm done now :) )

~Robyn ( said...

You are so nice and I appreciate your post. It's interesting how very kid is so different. You must not have read the "Gangsta Teeth" post. :)

Anonymous said...

Rob, Cody & F.J.

If that girl grows up with your sense of humor - and style Rob...she's got it made!

Love & PRAYERS from Auntie Jer!

Deb and Sean said...

Been there too ... except our girl had a throat infection! The Motrin only went so far ....
Hope FAB Frankie is back to herself soon!


Unknown said...

uh oh. missed a sporting event on account of Ms. FJ? I'm sensing a sign of what is to come.
Rob, I hope you explain to her that some discomforts will be more pleasant to suffer through than interrupting some games.

~Robyn ( said...

Milly--FJ told me to tell you that the next game she plans to interrupt is WAR GAMES! :)