Thursday, July 3, 2008


So, I figured out why Goodnight Moon is such a great book for kids.

It's not just the flowing prose or colorful illustrations.
(At least not in our house)

It's because the pages aren't packed with words so I can actually get each page read before frantic page turning Frankie makes her next move.

I feel so smart right now.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh. The trick is to just memorize the favorite book(s) so you can recite it no matter what page (or front or back cover) they turn to.

Anonymous said...

At least you get to finish the page... CTB is just too quick. Either that or I'm a real s l o w reader.

Miss y'all Hugs to Frankie


Anonymous said...

Hi there - Just wanted to let you know that I finished reading your blog and loved it - it's Sharon here from the canadaadopttalk website. You're cheeky and spunky- my favorite qualities. Your baby is one lucky little girl to have you as her mommy.
