It's a rainy day in the GZ today so I have some time to send over a few good pics. As cute as she looks, she is THAT much cuter in real life and when she smiles...seriously, forget about it. For a baby who wouldn't eat, do you love how she is trying to get to my water bottle? I feel bad when I drink water out of a bottle around her, but there is no way I'm going to drink out of the faucet here. You think the water in Mexico is bad? Pa-leez, China water can kick the ASS of Mexico water.
Also, have we told you about the "Eye Yie Yies" yet?
That is the " Cranky Frankie Cry."
"Eye yie yie..." she sounds like an old Jewish woman who just found out there is no more Coral colored lipstick at the Boca Raton CVS. "Eye Yie Yie..." it's the funniest thing (except at 4:00 am--then not so funny). The best is when she is REALLY dramatic about it and puts her hand to her forward: "Eye yie yie...Eye yie yie." I know I'm not able to express it over this blog, but I'm sure you'll hear it eventually.
Frankie had her medical exam this morning and she did great. All three of the babies in our group did great. It was really fun in the humid, sweaty, crowded medical rooms with kids and crying babies everywhere. We all thought for sure we were going to be stuck for about 3 hours but we were in and out in about an hour and a half. We are free for the rest of the day but I think we're going to hang in the a little room service and maybe watch a movie. It's yucky outside and Frankie is enjoying her "naked time" right now. I'm sure she'll crash soon but no doubt before she does we'll hear a little "Eye yie yie..."