Frankie stood up this past weekend. Then she fell down. She doesn't always fall down though-- at least not right away. Sometimes she stays up for a few seconds and just looks confused like "what am I doing up here?" and then she inevitably falls down. Either way-- it's official. She is standing and I'm not the only one who has seen it. Walking can't be far behind, but no one on this end is in any big hurry. It will happen when it happens. Somehow I don't picture her crawling around her high school, so I'm fairly confident the walking thing will happen at some point.
Frankie is also standing strong as a self-proclaimed vegetarian. I thought this little phase would have passed by now, but no uh-uh. I still try to sneak the meat, chicken or turkey in, but every time I do she either nonchalantly tosses it and ignores me, or vehemently throws it and shoots me the "Hello? I told you, Madre, no food with a face!" glare--like I'm not respecting her choices or something. Jeez...take it easy--I just want to make sure you're getting enough iron.
Frankie decided to grow out of one of her really cute pairs of shoes on the way to dinner last night. The outfit was a bit lacking as it felt really incomplete without the cute shoes, but thankfully we all survived and managed to have a nice dinner.
Frankie has also deemed yelling to be a form of communication. "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" (See second photo) We don't get it, but it's funny so we do engage, harmonize...and sometimes instigate.
Frankie has made it painfully clear that it doesn't really matter what time we leave camp to make the 3 hour trip home. She will stand strong against giving into a nap and instead opt to whine for at least half the trip. It's so awesome.
Lastly, a month or so ago-- just for kicks--I entered one of Frankie's photos in the Great American Photo Contest. I don't know why I did it. I just did it. How about there was a letter in the mail today that Frankie has been selected to be featured in the 2008 edition of America's Most Beautiful Babies! No, I am not kidding--How crazy is that? We always thought she was cute and I guess we were right! In case you're curious as to which photo was selected, it can be found on the 6/13 blog: it's the one with Frankie in the white bandanna.
I would also like to mention that before Frankie went to sleep tonight, she informed me that she will no longer get out of her crib for less than 10,000 a day. She asked me to thank her "Auntie" (must say with Australian accent) Nicole for taking the chosen picture, Eminem for doing the song we used for our Family Camp skit that prompted the outfits, me for forgetting her Detroit cap and defaulting to the white bandanna and--of course, Cody, for being not only her Daddy, but also her hero.