Monday, May 19, 2008

Is that Grandma I see?

I am so tired that I'm seeing dead relatives (some that I don't even like very much).

It was really nice for Frankie J that Cody came home for the weekend, but it turned out to be pretty rough on me. He is such a good Daddy that she had absolutely no desire to stick to our regular nap time routine. When it's just me, she goes down usually without a problem--when Cody is home she goes down, but pops right back up looking to party. I felt like I was playing with a "Jack in the Box."

The middle-of-the-night-wake-up-crying was the worst though. We're stuck in that weird place of "do we let her cry it out, or do we continue to foster attachment and go to her?" Cody wanted to let her cry it out but I just can't do it. Oh no...don't go thinking I'm so nice that I can't bear to hear my little girl upset, can't do it because I CAN'T FREAKIN' SLEEP WITH ALL CRYING AND SCREAMING GOING ON!

In truth, there is a part of me that thinks we should continue to go to her for at least another month, then it will be 3 months that she's been with us. I'm just not ready to let her cry for too long yet. However, believe you me, faithful readers--when that day comes in one month, I'm going to buy her a baseball and a mitt because you know we gonna play some hardball. Oh yes, Ms. Frankie Jade, your days of room service are numbered. Yo mama needs her sleep!