Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Good, The Bad and The $hitty...

Yesterday Little Miss Asian Sensation woke up at 5:46 in the morning. BAD. She fell back asleep and woke up again at 7:07. GOOD.

She started crying a bit when we pulled into daycare. BAD. She let out a real good cry when when I gave her up to the daycare owner. ALSO BAD. I know she stops about 5 seconds after I leave but it still hurts my heart for a minute. I'm thinking that she cries when I let her go because she is just really digging me right now. GOOD. That will surely change as she grows older. I'm sure it will be more like "Ugh, JUST GO!!!" But for now, she cries-- and as bad as it's also kind of nice.

The economy sucks and work is really slow right now. BAD. It does give me more time with my girl though so that is GOOD. I decided, since there was really nothing going on at work, to pick Frankie up early from daycare. We went home, had a snack and played the "Thank You Game." What's the "Thank You Game?" When Frankie has something in her hand, I put my hand out and say "Can I have that?" She ponders it for a brief moment, and then (sometimes reluctantly) places it in my hand. I exclaim "THANK YOU!!!!" with such enthusiasm that one would think she just gave me a Dior Saddle Bag circa 1971. I surely sound like an idiot, but she seems to like it and it usually promps her to say "Thank you," which actually sounds a lot more like "Dant Doo."

At 3:00, we did the bottle and book thing before I put her down for her nap. The nap, however, was not on her calendar. That girl wanted no part of a nap. It was not happening. BAD. BAD. BAD. After about 30 minutes of in-out kisses kisses, in-out kisses kisses...I threw in the towel. Sometimes it's just not worth it. Plus, it was beautiful out so we went outside and I pushed her on the swing. GOOD. GOOD. GOOD. She loves the swing. My dad showed up and he joined in.

Where's Floyd? Oh, I'll tell you where Floyd was: He was rolling around in $hit he managed to find in the woodsy part of our backyard. BAD. VERY, VERY BAD. I don't know whose $hit it was, but I can tell you that it wasn't mine. My dad took FJ while I did an abridged doggie bath in the laundry room. So gross and really--just WRONG. Why do dogs do that? I don't get that.

As I left the house for my last birthday celebration with my friends, I smiled because I knew my dad would keep his eye on Floyd and my girl was in very capable hands with her Grampa.

My friends and I had a blast at dinner. It is good (GOOD) to get out sometimes. We ate, we laughed, we stuffed our faces--I got caught up, got presents and got dessert (SO, SO, SO GOOD). When I tried to pay for my share, they wouldn't let me and our waitress chimed in that no one had to pay. It seems my husband called the restaurant and paid for the whole dinner for all of us!!! Oh...we love Cody, he is SO GOOD.

We all went back to my house so they could kiss FJ before I swept her off for bottle, book and bed. Yes, I skipped the bath (BAD, I know--but it's rare, so it's not THAT bad).

As everyone was all over FJ (she was loving it), my one girlfriend who we will refer to as "The Diva" got down and started petting Floyd and rubbing him around the facial area. GOOD for Floydie. She looked up at me and said: "Rob, why is Floyd so wet?"
I looked down and said: "Oh, he rolled in $hit earlier--but I cleaned him."

GOOD, BAD? I guess it's neither but for some reason it was at that precise moment--as I was standing there with FJ on my hip clad in her loaded diaper, looking down at my girlfriend on the floor with my stinky, but precious pooch, that I fully realized that I'm a mom...and with that title comes days inundated with some good, some bad and some $hit... and for some reason it was just really, really FUNNY.