Friday, August 1, 2008

The Evolution of "Uh-Oh"

"Uh-Oh" is very big right now.

It started out as "Uh-Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh," and then slowly progressed to "Uh-Uh-Uh-Oh," and now we've arrived at destination "Uh-Oh." It's quite the popular expression for Frankie Jade-- and who knew there were so many different uses for it?

There is the "Uh-Oh" for when someone else drops something or she sees something fall. There is the "Uh-Oh" for when she is the one doing the dropping or throwing. And let's not forget my personal favorite--the "Uh-Oh" that is said right before she drops or throws something. (I like to think of that one as the preemtive "Uh-Oh.")

In addition to "Uh-Oh," there are a few other biggies currently circulating the Coden household. "Hi-eee" (Hi), "Dank du" (Thank you), "Ba Ba" (Bottle-- that's a new one), "Gu Gu" (Good girl), "Bye Bye" and "Ba" (Ball). Her vocabulary may not be vast, but coupled with expressive--and often humorous--body language, she somehow manages to get her point across.

Unfortunately, in addition to the few words and hand/arm gestures, it seems the "loud and screechy road" has also become one of her preferred ways of communication. In the last few days, the emergence of the "mini tantrum" has decided to rear its ugly head. They are short lived and always followed by a quick recovery, but the frustration Frankie is so obviously experiencing can be hard to watch. I would love to say "use your words" as I have so often seen many Mom's say, but I don't know how far that will get me. Somehow I don't think "Dank du" or "Ba Ba" are the linguistic tools she would reach for in order to convey her message.

So, for the time being, Cody or I (or both) have settled for getting down on the floor with Frankie while we attempt to slowly and soothingly work through the imminent drama together. I keep telling her that saying "MORE" would clear up so much (as opposed to the high pitch scream she seems to be becoming very fond of), but she isn't budging, and who can blame her? Her chosen "loud and screechy road" may be less traveled by those in our household, but it sure is an effective least for now...