Monday, January 12, 2009

Better Late Than Never!

I love Mommy's shoe and purse tree. Is this present for me?

Frankie's ornament on Andy and Angela's tree. So cute...

Frankie's first tree: Andy and Angela Stevers' House

Back off, Daddy. I can do it.

What in the world are these supposed to be?

Theresa and Jeff Mazur's party: When is Santa going to call my name?

"Ho Ho Ho! Hello, Frankie! Santa has been informed
that you have a new address this year!"
*Santa was being played by Grampa Jimmy--Frankie had no idea

Did I make this? It's good!

I love this organic tea set that Uncle Fun got me.
He is SO green!!


More clothes? Another jacket? This must be from Mommy...

More cool toys...I will rule at basketball.

That was fun. I got a lot of good stuff. Is there anything else?

Frankie had a very eventful holiday season. People were in and out of the house most nights just visiting, playing games, having dinner or hanging out. It's my favorite time of the year and I'd venture to say that Frankie had as much fun as I did.

My girlfriend Theresa throws a great XMAS party during the holiday season. This was the first year that we got to bring a kid (probably because it's the first year we had one). There has never been a year that she didn't have a Santa at her party. This year, however, she had some trouble finding one. Thankfully, Grandpa Jimmy not only has a Santa costume, but he comes equipped with his very own elf and many years of "HO HO HO" experience. He was brilliant (especially for a Jewish guy) and Frankie had no idea it was her Grandpa. I actually forgot myself for awhile.

As a kid growing up, there was nothing better than lighting the candles and getting a present (or two) every night after dinner on Hanukkah. Several days before the holiday started my mom would stack all the colorfully wrapped Hanukkah presents under the table in our living room. I loved seeing all those presents-- and I do love presents. My brother and I would sniff around to see which ones were ours and sometimes I would, very carefully, pull the tape from one or two if I was very curious. Come on--I had to know if I was getting my Guess jeans or my ESPRIT sweatshirt! (I don't do that anymore).

For the past few years, Cody, Floyd and I have been opening all of our presents on XMAS morning. We get up very early, make coffee and go to town. This year, even with the addition of Ms. Asian persuasion, was no different. Yes, we are still Jews and yes, we still light the Hanukkah candles and say the prayers, but I have learned something very valuable in my many years of being Jewish: Hanukkah is great...except for one or two of the eight nights.

There are inevitably one or two nights of Hanukkah that honestly kind of suck. They usually fall on nights five and six and we Jews commonly refer to those nights as "Sock Night." You may not actually get socks, but whatever it is that you get, it's always kind of lame. Let's face it--eight nights of awesome presents can get pretty expensive; "Sock Nights" have been built in to save parents from financial ruin. If, however, you open all of your presents on one day, then the totally awesome presents are balanced out by the unpreventable crappy presents and instead of being disappointed on the one or two unavoidable Hanukkah "Sock Nights"-- we instead have one morning full of fun and one bag full of wrapping paper.

That is what we did this year. I can't say that we'll do that forever, especially as Frankie and "Kid 2" get older, but for now--for us-- it's the way to go and we love it.