Sunday, June 22, 2008

Does one size really fit all...?

Michael Stars would have you believe that it does, but I can't say that I agree.

I started this blog before we left to get Frankie Jade because I thought it would be a good way to stay connected with our friends and family while we were in China. I stayed with it because, for Mother's Day, Cody had all the blogs made into a beautiful hardcover book that Frankie will have forever and I thought it would be cool for her to watch FuLan turn into Frankie along with the rest of us. Plus, she will have something to remember her Mom by one day when I'm gone. For me and my family, it has become a preservation piece that serves many different purposes.

I certainly don't expect the blog to serve the same purpose for everyone.
If you're into it, I love that, and I'm totally and completely happy to have you as a reader and friend.

This blog, however, is not for everyone. I never expected it to be. I didn't start writing it for that purpose. I'm not writing it for anyone but my kid. Hey, we all have good days and bad days; the blog has been a good outlet for me to reflect on both. I have come to realize that my tone reflects my personality and if you don't like me, (or know me) you might not be into it. I'm fine with that. One size does not fit all.

I don't expect to get comments on the blog, though they are certainly welcome and appreciated IF they are not fueled by negativity or bad energy. There was a comment made on the last post that prompted other readers to email me a common denominator question that I, quite frankly, was curious about as well:

Your comment was so completely bizarro that even I was a bit taken aback. Clearly, you are not someone who knows me at all, or you wouldn't have said some of the things you said:

1. "Get some perspective, honey... Suck it up and be a mommy...a grateful mommy." Oh no you di-in't! You did NOT just say that to me! How in the world does a "venting" post that I am completely entitled to make me an ungrateful mommy? That is the craziest thing I have ever heard. WHO ARE YOU??? You don't know anything about me, my family or the lifestyle that we lead having Daddy gone for several months out of the year. I'm certainly not saying I have it harder than any other Mom out there--I'm not stupid, I know that is not true, but last time I checked, this is my blog and I'll cry if I want to. (And I wasn't even crying, most of it was said in jest.)

2. You understand that I am lonely? Hardly. I have Frankie, Floyd and tons of friends and family around who rock the house, but that doesn't mean that the adoption, the adjustment, the constant back and forth travel and the lifestyle haven't been hard on my marriage.

3. Louis Vuitton Bag? Um...No. Not my style (except for the sassy, red one that Cody got me several years ago when he told me he loved me for the first time).

I don't proclaim to be a professional writer or parent. I'm navigating new territory and making my way as best I can along with every other new parent out there. I think I'm pretty safe in saying that what we're all looking for is some support and understanding during this time.

If you feel like making a comment on the blog, I love to get them and Frankie will love them too one day, but please keep in mind why I'm writing this and who I'm doing it for. Anonymous comments telling me to "suck it up" really just don't jive with the rest of the blog setting and tone.

Frankie would definitely not give out one of her famous "High 5's" for that one.