OVER the spanky part of the skirt.
Oh well, I guess that's what happens when mommy lays the clothes
out and daddy dresses me. Go daddy!

It has come to my attention that Mommy hasn't sat down and written about me in quite awhile. I think it's been almost a month. That is unacceptable. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't she supposed to be using this blog as a vehicle to document my assimilation, growth and general awesomeness so I can, in turn, read all about myself one day? Looks to me like she dropped the ball. Whatever. Who needs her? I'll do it myself.
I'd like to open with a few comments about the OSU-UofM game of 2008. The Wolverines got crushed. It wasn't pretty. They got sent home in a bus that that reeked of 42-7. I would like to go to OSU. I think I can be a cheerleader. I look good in the outfit. It does not make me very happy that the stock market is in the toilet because every time Daddy opens up an envelope with a statement in it, he pronounces something negative about where my college money has gone. That is very bad. Out-of-state tuition is not cheap. Things better start looking up soon.
Right after "The Big Game" came Thanksgiving. It was at our house. We had 27 people over. It was awesimo. Mommy spent three nights getting the house ready. Daddy did a lot of schlepping--he had to bring in all the tables, chairs and "China." (That's funny to me..."China") Mommy went all Martha Stewart on the house so when she was done it looked like pilgrams exploded and pumpkins and gourds popped out. I saw her in our great room quite a bit fussing over everything. I think she is a little cuckoo about things being perfect.
I'd like to open with a few comments about the OSU-UofM game of 2008. The Wolverines got crushed. It wasn't pretty. They got sent home in a bus that that reeked of 42-7. I would like to go to OSU. I think I can be a cheerleader. I look good in the outfit. It does not make me very happy that the stock market is in the toilet because every time Daddy opens up an envelope with a statement in it, he pronounces something negative about where my college money has gone. That is very bad. Out-of-state tuition is not cheap. Things better start looking up soon.
Right after "The Big Game" came Thanksgiving. It was at our house. We had 27 people over. It was awesimo. Mommy spent three nights getting the house ready. Daddy did a lot of schlepping--he had to bring in all the tables, chairs and "China." (That's funny to me..."China") Mommy went all Martha Stewart on the house so when she was done it looked like pilgrams exploded and pumpkins and gourds popped out. I saw her in our great room quite a bit fussing over everything. I think she is a little cuckoo about things being perfect.
Mommy and Daddy were pretty good about keeping the doors to the great room closed but on the Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving they forgot. I went in there and pulled on one of the tablecloths. THEY FREAKED. It was so funny. Daddy took me out of there and I went kicking and screaming. I wanted to play with the tablecloth and the China. (China...hee hee). I even threw a little tantrum. Nothing like some tantrum action at 7:30 in the morning. Daddy offered me one of my cell phones that they pretend is real and told me to file a complaint. So you know what? I did. I took that fake phone and I called a fake person and I walked all over the kitchen complaining about how much my Mommy and Daddy suck because they wouldn't let me play with the tablecloths and China. They didn't know what I was saying because I coded everything in gibberish, but I said some pretty bad things about them. They tried to get me to drink my bottle after that and I didn't do it. I may only be 19 months old but I know how to stand up for convictions.
Thanksgiving turned out to be a really fun night (once I freed myself from the hat Mommy made me wear). I had a blast with everyone and got lots of attention. Daddy made a nice toast to Mommy and included me because he thinks I'm great. We all partied and played and pretty much ate like we were going to "The Chair" the next day. I got to go to bed at 9:00. I also got to skip brushing my teeth. Rock star living.
I'm at a really fun age right now. I never shut up though and no one knows what I'm saying most of the time. I'm on the phone a lot and for now my conversations go pretty much like this: "Gibberish, gibberish, gibberish..." Pause for response from fake person and then I almost always conclude by saying "Bye" right before I flip the phone shut. I'm corgial like that. I love talking on the phone. I have unlimited minutes. What's your number? I'll call you.
I don't only speak gibberish. I say a lot of real words too. Following are the words I probably use the most: Hot Dog, Woah, Doggie, Up, Down, Phone, Keys, More, ByeSeeYa (all one word), Hi, Open, Close, Off, Yes, No, Shoes, Socks, Bottle, Banana, Apple (which I do with a French accent) and Let's go!!! (It's really cute when I do that one, people love it--it's a real crowd pleaser). My latest favorites are "Hi, Floyd!" and "Please" which comes out more like "peas" but no one can resist me when I say it and I get what I want about 85% of the time. Not too bad.
I know where my bellybutton, eyes, nose, hair, head, feet and ears are. I can say them out loud too (except bellybutton--that one is kind of hard to say). Nana taught me where my tongue is and I love when people ask me about it because it gives me an excuse to stick my tongue out. Sometimes when I'm doing something I shouldn't, Mommy will tell me to "Stop it" and instead of doing so, I just repeat "Stop it." I'm so mature, don't you think?
I can take a napkin and wipe my own face and when I'm done eating I smack my hands and say "All done!" How great is that? When I pet Floyd, sometimes I say "Nice...nice..." to prove that I'm petting him nicely. I'm VERY into Floyd right now. I ask for him when I wake up and as soon as we pull onto our street. One time we were at the grocery store and we walked by some toilet paper with a picture of a Golden Retriever on it. When I saw the doggie, I exclaimed "Floyd!" Mommy and Daddy were dying. Mommy started to tear up a little bit. She's weird like that sometimes.
I know almost all the words to "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and I'll join in anytime you feel like singing it. I can also do some of the "ABC song" but I'm a little lost as to the meaning of that one. I like the tune though and I've noticed Mommy thinks it keeps me from squirming when she's changing my dipe so I humor her...sometimes.
I guess that's enough about me. At least for now.
Glad to catch up via your blog! Sounds like Frankie is about as busy as Lily.
We're in Pittsburgh now on our way to Detroit. We move into our house on Friday. Yes, we are still moving there! See you soon!
So good to read about you again!
great pictures!
Although I couldn't squeeze in a visit, my thoughts were certainly with you on, what sounds like an, extremely festive thanksgiving. Just too many loved ones to see in so little time. Never would've thought that could change so drastically in such a short period of time, for such a little girl, huh? Or should I say big, you're getting big now, right? Real words and all.
Glad to know things are jamming at your house.
Your right mommy is way behind.
Miss FJ you make me miss you so much reading about everything you can now do, your growing up so fast and im not there to watch - i love you FJ and im so jealous you've seen snow!!!!!!!! i love you very muchly, Love Auntie Nic xox
FJ - you can call me ANYTIME. Have mommy dial the phone though, k?
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